Freedom in the mind, faith in the words, pride in our souls. Ladyhill Victoria P.U. College organized the flag unfurling ceremony in the college campus on August 15th by the P.T.A. Vice President Mrs. Dhanashree. The Independence Day celebration was held on 14th August 2024.The college student council organized the programme.

The celebration began evoking Almighty’s blessings through a prayer service. Students put forth a graceful welcome dance for the audience. Panchami Shenoy, College President welcomed the gathering. The chief guest Retd. Sergeant Ronald Pereira, (Indian Air Force), emphasized the importance of Independence Day. He motivated the students on their role towards the development of society and country. He also spoke about “Drug Free India campaign”. The college choir sang patriotic songs and dedicated their love for motherland. College dance group performed a dance on ‘Unity in Diversity’ which was a collection of various state dances. Inter class patriotic singing competition was held on the same day.

As a part of Drug Free India Campaign, the Chief Guest had enlightened the young minds to say No to Drugs and also planted a rose sapling as a mark of rememberance of the Campaign. The college principal Sr. Ujvala AC, Vice Principal Sr. Sharmila AC, Sr Arpita AC and Sr Deeshna AC, the Judges for the competition, the Sisters of the community and also the faculty of the college was present. Gayana, College Vice President proposed the vote of thanks. Sana Halima of Ist science compered the programme. The programme concluded with the national anthem.






















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